The cast looks young with the introduction of two new actors – Sayali Sanjeev and Rishi Saxena.
The trailer, shot in Varanasi on the banks of the river Ganga shows the lead actress calling up her mother and reliving some memories of Mumbai. It is the story of the Maharashtrian Sawant family headed by Mohan Joshi – The younger girl Gauri falls in love and is later married to a North Indian boy named Shiv.
“revolves around an admirable and extended dialogue of love, which could be used to reinforce those rare uplifting aspects of the prophetic metaphor.Thi TV serial in 2016 replaced the popular running Ka Re Durava for the 9.00 PM time slot on Zee Marathi. “The prophetic metaphor by which God is imagined as husband and the nation as wife does indeed provide a monotheistic modification of polytheistic paradigms of divine eros, but the prophets - be they Hosea, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel - are mostly preoccupied with the sinful conduct of the wanton Jerusalem and offer only brief representations of blissful marital moments.”Ĭontrast to those thunderous prophetic harangues, The Song, she writes, “The decision to include the Song in the canon, as some scholars suggest, may have served as compensation for a lacuna in the biblical text: the lack of eros in the heavenly spheres. May seem fairly straight-forward - God and the people in love with each other -īut Pardes suggests that something else is going on as well. Thinkers down the centuries, including Origen, St. Was among the first of many Jewish leaders who embraced the poem for itsĪllegorical meanings. Instead, Pardes writes, he saw it “as an amorous dialogue between God Note that his passionate acknowledgement of the worthiness of his wife bears resemblance to his fervent proclamation in support of the Song’s sanctity.”Ĭenturies ago, Rabbi Akiva fought and overcame opposition to win a place for Theįor him, the poem wasn’t about human love. “His deep appreciation of her is so singularly great that when his disciples block her from approaching him after he has just returned from many years of studying away from home, he declares, ‘Let her alone whatever is mine and yours is hers.”…. Greatest love stories in rabbinic literature, if not the greatest.” She continues: Song of Songs since the story of him and his wife Rachel is “one of the Suggests that it was no coincidence that Rabbi Akiva was passionate about The This is a poem, from start to finish, of yearning and searching, of Of youthful physical and emotional passion. Sort of delightfully chaotic dreaminess, of course, fits very well the subject Very sharply in focus while others are fuzzy, and one scene elides aimlessly Pardes describes this as “dreamy” since, as in a dream, some details are Poem itself is, like many of the Bible’s books, a stitching together of several Work in the poem’s title The Song of Songs. Superlative, meaning the Holiest of the holy, and that same superlative is at Sanctuary of the Tabernacle where God’s presence appeared. “whole world is not worth the day on which the Song of Songs was given to Israel for all the Writings are holy and the Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.”ĭirectly correlates the love poem with the most sacred part of the Temple, the inner Rabbinic Judaism around 100 AD, declared that the University Press, 280 pages, $24.95), Rabbi Akiva, one of the founders of Depending on the translation, God is mentioned once or not at all.Īs Ilana Pardes notes in The Song of Songs: A Biography (Princeton
The female lover is identified as the Shulamite, and her breasts are extravagantly praised eight times in the 2,700-word poem. It is, on its face, a joyfully sensual celebration of romantic and physical love. The essential act of faith.īook provides the message that’s found in the rest of the Bible - that, if youĭo the right thing, God will take care of you in some way. Meanwhile, Job wrestles with the question of why bad things happen to good people - and loses God essentially says in a long rant out of the whirlwind that God’s ways can’t be comprehended by humans, and Job comes to give up on his whining and say: OK. One of three very odd books in the Bible.Įcclesiastes expresses a deep mournful existential angst not found anywhere else in the Jewish and Christian scriptures life is short and hard.